Pelicans Causeway Survey

Galveston County | Galveston, Texas

Shine | DCCM surveyed a proposed route for a new Pelican Causeway from Galveston Island across to Pelican Island. Nedra Foster Townsend, LSLS, RPLS, served as Licensed State Land Surveyor (LSLS) for this project, and Joe Mattox, LSLS, RPLS, served as Project Manager. Shine | DCCM’s tasks included researching both current and historic data to evaluate natural and artificial changes to the landscape; research on court cases that affected the boundary locations; calculations of tidal datums for which we relied on Tide Gauge 8771450 Galveston Pier 21; survey of tidal datums and location of state submerged tracts; establishment of new control and recovery of existing control; survey of affected tracts and monumentation of new take parcels; topographic surveys of take areas; metes-and-bounds descriptions of each take parcel; and mapping proposed right-of-way, shoreline survey, and take parcels.

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